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    Good day! This note is directed to anyone, and everyone, regards my information “blog” as valuable in some way. I am disheartened to find that although my posts are opened and viewed by a fair number of readers, only a very few have subscribed and I am left wondering whether all the work I do is a total waste of time! Please reply to this: make a comment, offer a suggestion or request a topic which interests you – I am considering shutting down both CBHRT.ca and my SUBSTACK account (“the hormone bloggers SUBSTACK”). Maybe I should spend my summer…

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    Just to remind you – I am no longer adding to CBHRT.ca: I continue actively building my “hormones and health” blog, but new posts will be found on SUBSTACK. Please go to the URL below.https://substack.com/@cbhrt?utm_source=user-menu Sorry about this – I really love the CBHRT.ca website, but it is an added, unsupported expense. Please do Google SUBSTACK and look for “the hormone bloggers SUBSTACK” – there, you can either register as a free subscriber, or choose to support my efforts with a paid (inexpensive) subscription. Best wishes. Gervais Harry.

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    One of my sons is an osteopath (in Montréal) and a general knowledge guru. In conversation with him a couple of days ago, the subject of “Allostatic Load” came up: as usual, he has extensive knowledge on the subject, but a slightly different “take” on its importance, as compared with my medical/surgical point of view. Anyway, the subject piqued my interest and I spent a while this morning, reading it up on the web. Here it is, in a nutshell! – The graphic from Wikipedia’s “Allostatic load” Note from Wikipedia: the graph represents the effect of increased stress on the…

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    MESSAGE, to friends of cbhrt.ca, November 25, 2023 Hi, and best wishes, to all, for the festive season and the new year! Following much deliberation, I have elected to migrate my “WordPress” website (cbhrt.ca), to Substack. cbhrt.ca, Vs substack I started cbhrt.ca, a free service, via “WordPress” in July of 2020, in the interest of readers and their doctors. The WordPress site, with 18 pages and 77 blog posts, is expensive to maintain and up to now (December 2023), my request for donations has fallen on deaf ears. Contributions have been zero. Substack on the other hand, is available at…

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    This just in (November 08, 2023), from Medscape news – A report, by Khushi Mandowara: a Biogen-Sage Therapeutics pill called Zurzuvae, is available for treating Postpartum Depression. Zurzuvae will cost $15,900, for a 14 day treatment, which may need to be repeated. Background: In pregnancy, maternal hormone production goes into overdrive. Not only are Estradiol (the main Estrogen), Estriol (the main estrogen of pregnancy) and Progesterone (the“pregnancy hormone”), increased: DHEA, Testosterone, Thyroid Hormone and particularly, Allopregnanolone (the brain hormone), all increase. Production of these hormones reduces a couple of days before delivery and “hits bottom” after childbirth.The result is a sudden, acute…

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    Israeli – Hamas war: a Comment

    The Controversy The controversy regarding “Israel’s right, to defend itself”, vs. the Palestinians’ complaints of discrimination and “underprivileged status” is currently a conversational “hot potato”: each side in the debate about the Israeli-Hamas war finds it difficult to appreciate the other’s attitude and reactions. Obviously, without detailing one argument or the other, a disconnect exists: a “knee-jerk response”, which renders each unable to understand the other’s inability to see their point of view. Perhaps, in the name of mutual understanding, we should examine the reasons for our failure of reason; but such examination would necessitate protracted explanation, inevitably leading to…

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    Here we go, to BAT, again! Graphic 1, from Wikipedia: BAT cells have many active mitochondria and WAT cells have hardly any. On the other hand, white fat cells swell, with a huge globule of fatty acids and oils, while BAT does not store fats. A few WAT (white adipose tissue) progenitor (stem) cells can convert to “Beige adipocytes” in cold-weather conditions, or when stimulated by continuous administration of Triiodothyronine (T3), but they are less efficient heat producers than the BAT is. White, brown and beige adipocytes (from Wikipedia). A report from “Medscape”, written by Courtney Southwick, dated 10/17/23, advises…

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    Long Covid Complications

    Long Covid, Depression and Anxiety This just in: a report, from “Medscape Medical News”, on an article documenting the neuropsychiatric complications of Long Covid, especially the high rates of depression and anxiety. The note was written by Sarah Novak and published on 10/10/23 (designation of this article as “news” is “iffy”, since the original article is more than 2 years old; but it’s worth a comment, anyway – vide infra). To quote Ms. Novak, “It’s a surprising finding that shows that those with Long COVID complications may experience more mental distress than people with other chronic illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s…

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    Covid 19 and INTERFERON

    Re: interferon Covid 19 and “Long Covid” continue to present a thorny problem for individuals, doctors, nurses, hospitals and the public health system. Much has been written about Covid and new reports continue to occupy my newsfeed– I flag all interesting looking reports (on many subjects – not just Covid) and I try to examine them for interesting material on an ongoing basis. Occasionally, however an important paper is overlooked. This one, on INTERFERON, was published in Feb. 2023: but I only just found it, while reviewing unread articles. The paper was submitted by Prof. Dr. F. Perry Wilson, MD,…

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    A new article, which has created a stir in “Covid sciences” circles, was noticed and reported on 3/7/23, when it was still at the “preprint” stage: many news feeds carried it. I have eliminated Scientific terminology and the fine details of the trial protocol, so as to render this very important article easier to understand, by my readers. The full article was published by CT Bramante et al., on 6/8/23. In case you want to read it, here are the particulars:“Outpatient treatment of COVID-19 and incidence of post-COVID-19 condition over 10 months (COVID-OUT): a multicentre, randomised, quadruple-blind, parallel-group, phase 3…